Majed Abdullah (11 Januari 1959 -)
Majed was originally born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and started his career in 1977 with Al-Nassr. Majed awalnya lahir di Jeddah, Arab Saudi dan memulai karirnya pada tahun 1977 dengan Al-Nassr. He is considered Saudi Arabia's player of the century. Ia dianggap pemain Arab Saudi abad ini. The striker has been formally announced the World's most experienced international footballer. Striker ini telah secara resmi mengumumkan pemain sepak bola paling berpengalaman internasional di Dunia. |  |
Ademir (8 November 1922 - 11 May 1996) Ademir (8 November 1922 - 11 Mei 1996)
Ademir Marques de Menezes is a Brazilian striker who scored the most goals at the 1950 World Cup. Ademir de Menezes Marques adalah striker Brasil yang mencetak gol terbanyak di Piala Dunia 1950. Throughout his career, he had 32 international goals in 39 appearances. Sepanjang karirnya, ia telah 32 gol dalam 39 penampilan internasional. |  |
Florián Albert (15 September 1941-) Florian Albert (15 September 1941 -)
Florian Albert is a Hungarian striker who was handed the Golden Ball for 1967 and was considered the top player of his nation for 1966 and 1967. Florian Albert adalah striker Hongaria yang diserahkan Golden Ball untuk tahun 1967 dan dianggap pemain atas bangsanya untuk 1966 dan 1967. He is also an Olympic Champion from the 1964 games in Japan. Dia juga merupakan Juara Olimpiade dari 1964 game di Jepang. |  |
Jose Andrade (1 October 1901 - 4 October 1957) Jose Andrade (1 Oktober 1901 - 4 Oktober 1957)
Jose Leandro Andrade is a legendary winger from Uruguay, who won the very first World Cup tournament. Jose Leandro Andrade adalah pemain sayap legendaris dari Uruguay, yang memenangkan turnamen pertama Piala Dunia. He is considered one of the top footballers of the 1920s. Ia dianggap salah satu pemain atas tahun 1920-an. Andrade is also one of the frist black soccer players to get serious recognition. Andrade juga merupakan salah satu pemain sepak bola Frist hitam untuk mendapatkan pengakuan serius. |  |
Georgi Asparuhov (4 May 1943 - 30 July 1971) Georgi Asparuhov (4 Mei 1943 - 30 Juli 1971)
Asparuhov is a Bulgarian striker who played for Levski, Sofia during the 1960's. Asparuhov adalah penyerang Bulgaria yang bermain untuk Levski, Sofia selama tahun 1960-an. He made a notable appearance at the 1966 World Cup but died abruptly in a car crash. Dia membuat penampilan penting di Piala Dunia 1966 namun meninggal mendadak dalam kecelakaan mobil. |  |
Abedi "Pele" Ayew (5 January 1962-) Abedi "Pele" Ayew (5 Januari 1962 -)
Originally born in Ghana, Abedi was selected as the Top African Footballer three times. Awalnya lahir di Ghana, Abedi terpilih sebagai tiga kali Pemain Top Afrika. He is considered a pioneer of African football and is one of the first players from the continent to get recognition in Europe. Ia dianggap sebagai pelopor sepak bola Afrika dan merupakan salah satu pemain pertama dari benua untuk mendapatkan pengakuan di Eropa. Abedi has played in both Africa and France, eventually winning the Champions League in 1993 with Olympique de Marseilles. Abedi telah bermain baik di Afrika dan Perancis, akhirnya menjuarai Liga Champions pada tahun 1993 dengan Olympique de Marseilles. |  |
Roberto Baggio (18 February 1967-) Roberto Baggio (18 Februari 1967 -)
Baggio is a typical Italian forward known for his dribbling skills and considered the top European footballer for 1993. Baggio adalah khas Italia maju dikenal karena keterampilan menggiring bola dan dianggap sebagai pemain sepak bola top Eropa tahun 1993. During the same year, he also won the UEFA Cup with his club team, Juventus. Pada tahun yang sama, ia juga memenangkan Piala UEFA dengan tim klubnya, Juventus. Baggio entered the spotlight after leading his national side to the World Cup final in 1994 and missing the decisive penalty, which caused his country the title. Baggio masuk sorotan setelah memimpin tim nasional ke final Piala Dunia pada tahun 1994 dan hilang hukuman yang menentukan, yang menyebabkan negaranya judul. |  |
Krasimir Balakov (29 March 1966-) Krasimir Balakov (29 Maret 1966 -)
Balakov is a Bulgarian midfielder originally from the city of Veliko Turnovo. Balakov adalah gelandang Bulgaria berasal dari kota Veliko Turnovo. At the 1994 World Cup he won the Bronze with his country and was selected in the dream team of the tournament. Pada Piala Dunia 1994 ia memenangkan Perunggu dengan negaranya dan terpilih dalam tim impian turnamen. Balakov played most of his club football in Stuttgart, Germany, where he enjoyed mild success and was later appointed as a coach. Balakov memainkan sebagian besar klub sepak bola di Stuttgart, Jerman, di mana ia menikmati kesuksesan ringan dan kemudian ditunjuk sebagai pelatih. |  |
Gordon Banks (20 December 1937-) Gordon Banks (20 Desember 1937 -)
Banks is a legendary English goalkeeper regarded as the best of the 1960s and early 1970s . Bank adalah kiper legendaris Inggris dianggap sebagai yang terbaik dari tahun 1960 dan awal 1970-an. He was also World champion at England 1966. Dia juga Juara Dunia di Inggris tahun 1966. Banks had 73 appearances for his country, with a clean sheet in 35 of them. Bank memiliki 73 penampilan untuk negaranya, dengan selembar bersih di 35 dari mereka. In club football, Gordon Banks had most of his success at Leicester City. Di klub sepakbola, Gordon Banks yang sebagian besar sukses di Leicester City. Banks' career was cut short by a car crash from which he lost sight in one eye. Bank karir 'dipotong oleh sebuah kecelakaan mobil dari mana ia kehilangan penglihatan pada satu mata. |  |
David Beckham (2 May 1975-) David Beckham (2 Mei 1975 -)
Beckham is an English winger who came up from the Manchester United youth program. Beckham adalah pemain sayap Inggris yang datang dari program pemuda Manchester United. He eventually made his debut with the senior team and remained with them for more than half a decade. Dia akhirnya melakukan debut dengan tim senior dan tinggal dengan mereka selama lebih dari setengah dekade. Beckham's biggest success with Man U was winning the Champions League in 1998. Beckham sukses terbesar dengan Man U memenangkan Liga Champions pada tahun 1998. David Beckham earned most of his fame due to his physical appearance rather than his on-pitch performance. David Beckham memperoleh sebagian besar ketenarannya karena penampilan fisik nya daripada kinerja pada pitch-nya. His haircuts received more attention than his scoring record. potongan rambut-Nya mendapat perhatian lebih dari rekornya skor. | |
Franco Baresi (8 May 1960-) Franco Baresi (8 Mei 1960 -)
Italian sweeper Franco Baresi was born in Travagliato, Brescia. Italia Franco Baresi penyapu lahir di Travagliato, Brescia. He played in Milan for over 20 years, and has earned over 77 caps with the Italian national team. Ia bermain di Milan selama lebih dari 20 tahun, dan telah menerima lebih dari 77 caps dengan tim nasional Italia. Baresi appeared at four different World Cups and has recieved two Champions League trophies (1998/1999). Baresi muncul di empat Piala Dunia yang berbeda dan telah menerima dua piala Liga Champions (1998/1999). |  |
Marco van Basten (31 October 1964-) Marco van Basten (tanggal 31 Oktober 1964 -)
Marco is a legendary Dutch attacker who has been awarded Best Footballer in Europe for 1988, 1989 and 1992. Marco adalah penyerang legendaris Belanda yang telah dianugerahi Pemain Terbaik di Eropa 1988, 1989 dan 1992. Marco has won the Cup Winners' Cup in 1987 with Ajax, Amsterdam. Marco telah memenangkan Piala Winners pada tahun 1987 dengan Ajax, Amsterdam. With AC Milan, Marco has won the Champions League for 1989 and 1990. Dengan AC Milan, Marco telah memenangkan Liga Champions untuk tahun 1989 dan 1990. With his ability to decide the outcome of games, Van Basten was considered as the "successor of Cruyff". Dengan kemampuannya untuk menentukan hasil pertandingan, Van Basten dianggap sebagai "penerus Cruyff". |  |
Franz Beckenbauer (11 September 1945-) Franz Beckenbauer (11 September 1945 -)
Beckenbauer is one of Germany's most successful players. Beckenbauer merupakan salah satu pemain Jerman yang paling sukses. He is considered the father of the sweeper position. Ia dianggap ayah dari posisi penyapu. Franz has won the Bundesliga five times and has raised the UEFA Champions League trophy three times in his career. Franz telah memenangkan Bundesliga lima kali dan telah mengangkat trofi Liga Champions UEFA tiga kali dalam karirnya. Beckenbauer also deserves credit for Germany's 1974 World Cup title. Beckenbauer juga layak kredit untuk 1974 judul Piala Dunia Jerman. At Italy 1990, he won the cup once more, but this time as a coach. Di Italia 1990, ia memenangkan piala sekali lagi, tapi kali ini sebagai pelatih. Beckenbauer is considered the European player of the Century. Beckenbauer dianggap sebagai pemain Eropa abad. |  |
Igor Belanov (25 September 1960-) Igor Belanov (25 September 1960 -)
Originally born in Odessa, Igor played at Dynamo Kiev for most of his career. Awalnya lahir di Odessa, Igor bermain di Dynamo Kiev untuk sebagian besar karirnya. He was acknowledged as the best footballer in Europe for the year 1986, when he led his club to a Cup Winners' Cup title. Ia diakui sebagai pemain terbaik di Eropa untuk tahun 1986 ketika dia memimpin klub untuk gelar Piala Winners Cup '. Belanov is a Soviet Champion for 1985 and 1986. Belanov adalah Champion Soviet untuk 1985 dan 1986. After the Soviet Union broke up, he moved over to Borussia Moenchengladbach. Setelah Uni Soviet bubar, ia pindah ke Borussia Moenchengladbach. Belanov is famous for his incredible sprinting ability. Belanov terkenal karena kemampuannya berlari luar biasa. |  |
Ferenc Bene (17 December 1944-) Ferenc Bene (17 Desember 1944 -)
Bene is a Hungarian striker, who played alongside with Florian Albert during Hungary's golden era of the 1960's. Bene adalah striker Hungaria, yang bermain bersama dengan Florian Albert selama era keemasan Hongaria tahun 1960-an. In 1964, his country reached the semifinals at the European Championship in Spain. Pada tahun 1964, negaranya mencapai semifinal di Kejuaraan Eropa di Spanyol. Two years later at the 1966 World Cup, Ferenc scored four goals leading his team to the quarterfinals where the Soviet Union eliminates them. Dua tahun kemudian di Piala Dunia 1966, Ferenc mencetak empat gol memimpin tim ke perempat final di mana Uni Soviet menghilangkan mereka. Overall, Bene has scored 36 goals in 76 international caps. Secara keseluruhan, Bene telah mencetak 36 gol dalam 76 caps internasional. |  |
George Best (22 May 1946-) George Best (22 Mei 1946 -)
Best is a right winger, born in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Terbaik adalah pemain sayap kanan, lahir di Belfast, Irlandia Utara. He won the UEFA Champions League in 1968 and the English Premiership in 1965 and 1967. Dia memenangkan Liga Champions UEFA pada tahun 1968 dan Inggris Premiership tahun 1965 dan 1967. George Best was also British and European Footballer of the Year in 1968. George Best juga Inggris dan Eropa Pemain of the Year pada tahun 1968. |  |
Franz Binder (1 December 1911 - 24 April 1989) Franz Binder (1 Desember 1911 - 24 April 1989)
Binder is an Austrian striker who was a semi-finalist at the 1934 World Cup. Binder adalah striker Austria yang menjadi semifinalis di Piala Dunia 1934. He started with the Austrian national team and later played for Germany. Dia mulai dengan tim nasional Austria dan kemudian bermain untuk Jerman. During his older years, he worked as coach in Germany. Selama bertahun-tahun lebih tua, ia bekerja sebagai pelatih di Jerman. |  |
Oleg Blokhin (5 November 1952-) Oleg Blokhin (5 November 1952 -)
One of USSR's most popular players, Oleg was actually born in Kyiv, Ukrane. Salah satu pemain Uni Soviet yang paling populer, Oleg sebenarnya lahir di Kyiv, Ukrane. He won the European Championship twice and has over 100 international caps. Ia memenangkan Kejuaraan Eropa dua kali dan memiliki lebih dari 100 caps internasional. |  |
Hristo Bonev (3 February 1947-) Hristo Bonev (3 Februari 1947 -)
Bonev is originally from Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Bonev berasal dari Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He played at his hometown Lokomotiv, and later moved to AEK, Athens. Ia bermain di kota kelahirannya Lokomotiv, dan kemudian pindah ke AEK, Athena. As a coach, he led Bulgaria's national team to the 1998 World Cup finals in France. Sebagai pelatih, ia memimpin tim nasional Bulgaria ke final Piala Dunia 1998 di Perancis. |  |
Zbigniew Boniek (3 March 1956-) Zbigniew Boniek (3 Maret 1956 -)
One of Poland's greatest players, Boniek was originally born in Bydgoszcz. Salah satu pemain terbesar Polandia, Boniek awalnya lahir di Bydgoszcz. His career started at Zawisza Bydgoszcz. Karirnya dimulai pada Zawisza Bydgoszcz. After Boniek moved to Widzew Lodz he caught some international attention. Setelah Boniek pindah ke Widzew Lodz ia menangkap perhatian internasional. He was quickly transferred in Italy to Juventus and eventually, ended up at Roma. Dia cepat dipindahkan di Italia untuk Juventus dan akhirnya, berakhir di Roma. With the Polish squad, Boniek has scored 24 goals in 80 matches. Dengan skuad Polandia, Boniek telah mencetak 24 gol dalam 80 pertandingan. |  |
Jozsef Bozsik (26 November 1946 - 31 May 1978) József Bozsik (26 November 1946 - 31 Mei 1978)
Bozsik is a halfback who played a huge part of Hungary's golden era during the 1960's. Bozsik adalah halfback yang memainkan peran besar Hungaria era keemasan selama tahun 1960-an. He grew up in Budapest along with his childhood friend Ferencz Puskas. Dia dibesarkan di Budapest bersama dengan anak temannya Ferencz Puskás. Four years after retiring from the coaching seat of the Hungarian national team, Bozsik died from heart failure. Empat tahun setelah pensiun dari kursi pelatih tim nasional Hongaria, Bozsik meninggal karena gagal jantung. |  |
Paul Breitner (5 September 1951-) Paul Breitner (5 September 1951 -)
Paul Breitner was born in Kolbermoor, West Germany in an educated family. Paul Breitner lahir di Kolbermoor, Jerman Barat dalam keluarga berpendidikan. He started playing the game in his hometown with Freilassung, but later moved to Bayern Munich and Real Madrid. Dia mulai bermain game di kampung halamannya dengan Freilassung, tetapi kemudian pindah ke Bayern Munich dan Real Madrid. Paul has won most major football tournaments including the Champions League, the European Championship (1972), and the World Cup (1974.) Breitner is five times Bundesliga champion (1972, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1981) and has twice won the Spanish Primera Division (1975, 1976). Paulus telah memenangkan turnamen sepak bola paling utama termasuk Liga Champions, kejuaraan Eropa (1972), dan Piala Dunia Breitner adalah lima kali juara Bundesliga (1972, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1981) dan telah dua kali menang (1974.) Tersebut Spanyol Divisi Primera (1975, 1976). |  |
Bobby Charlton (11 October 1937-) Bobby Charlton (11 Oktober 1937 -)
With his impressive 106 national caps and 49 goals, Bobby Charlton was the brightest star of England during the 1960's. Dengan mengesankan 106 caps nasional dan 49 gol, Bobby Charlton adalah bintang terang Inggris selama tahun 1960-an. He was the center figure behind England's 1966 World Cup victory. Ia adalah tokoh pusat di balik kemenangan Inggris 1966 Piala Dunia. On the club level, Charlton won the Champions League in 1968 and is Premier League Champion for 1957, 1965, and 1967 with Manchester United. Pada tingkat klub, Charlton memenangkan Liga Champions pada tahun 1968 dan Premier Liga Champion untuk tahun 1957, 1965, dan 1967 dengan Manchester United. |  |
Robert Gadocha (10 January 1946-) Robert Gadocha (10 Januari 1946 -)
Robert is an infamous left winger from Legia Warsaw. Robert adalah sayap kiri terkenal dari Legia Warsawa. He was a big part of the golden Polish generation and was instrumental for his country's bronze medals at the 1974 World Cup. Dia adalah bagian besar dari generasi Polandia emas dan berperan untuk medali perunggu negaranya di Piala Dunia tahun 1974. Robert is also an Olympic Champion from Munich 1972. Robert juga merupakan Juara Olimpiade dari Munich 1972. |  |
Garrincha (28 October 1933 - 20 January 1983) Garrincha (28 Oktober 1933-20 January 1983)
One of the greatest dribblers ever, Manuel Francisco dos Santos was originally born as a cripple. Salah satu dribblers terbesar yang pernah, Manuel Francisco dos Santos pada awalnya lahir sebagai orang cacat. He overcame the deformity in his legs and climbed the football ladder with his club Botafogo. Dia mengatasi kelainan di kaki dan menaiki tangga sepak bola dengan klub Botafogo. At the international level, Garrincha was a superstar and major influence in Brazil's 1958 and 1962 World Cup titles. Pada tingkat internasional, Garrincha adalah seorang superstar dan pengaruh besar di Brasil 1958 dan Piala Dunia 1962 judul. Shortly after the end of his playing career, Garrincha died unable to maintain his fortune. Tak lama setelah akhir karir permainannya, Garrincha meninggal tidak mampu mempertahankan kekayaannya. |  |
Gyula Grosics (4 February 1926-) Gyula Grosics (4 Februari 1926 -)
World-class keeper, Gyula was born and grew up in Tatabanya, Hungary. kiper kelas dunia, Gyula lahir dan dibesarkan di Tatabanya, Hungaria. He was a key figure of the "Mighty Magyars" squad from 1947 to 1962, participating in three World Cups. Dia adalah tokoh kunci dari skuad "Magyar Mighty" 1947-1962, berpartisipasi dalam tiga Piala Dunia. Grosics's career highlights include an Olympic Medal from Helsinki 1952 and a World Cup semifinal at Switzerland 1954. karir Grosics menyoroti meliputi Medali Olimpiade dari Helsinki 1952 dan semifinal Piala Dunia di Swiss 1954. |  |
Jimmy Greaves (20 February 1940-) Jimmy Greaves (20 Februari 1940 -)
English forward James has completed 515 professional matches, scoring a total of 357 goals. Bahasa Inggris ke depan James telah menyelesaikan 515 pertandingan profesional, mencetak total 357 gol. He was born in East Ham, London. Ia lahir di East Ham, London. Greaves started his career at age of 17 with Chelsea. Greaves memulai karirnya pada usia 17 dengan Chelsea. He won the Champions League with Tottenham in 1963. Dia memenangkan Liga Champions dengan Tottenham pada tahun 1963. He was semifinalist at World Cup 1962 and winner in 1966. Dia semi finalis di Piala Dunia 1962 dan pemenang pada tahun 1966. |  |
Ruud Gullit (1 September 1962) Ruud Gullit (1 September 1962)
One of the best players of the 1980's, Dutchman Gullit began his career at PSV Eindhoven. Salah satu pemain terbaik dari tahun 1980-an, Belanda Gullit memulai karirnya di PSV Eindhoven. AC Milan signed him in 1987 for the record sum of £5,500,000. AC Milan ditandatangani dia pada tahun 1987 untuk jumlah rekor sebesar £ 5.500.000. With Milan, Gullit won both the UEFA Champions League and the Cup Winners' Cup. Dengan Milan, Gullit memenangkan kedua Liga Champions dan Piala Winners. Gullit is also European Champion with Holland for 1988. Gullit juga Juara Eropa dengan Belanda selama tahun 1988. After his playing days were over, Root attempted a coaching career in England. Setelah hari-harinya bermain sudah berakhir, Root mencoba karir pelatih di Inggris. |  |
George Hagi (5 February 1965-) George Hagi (5 Februari 1965 -)
Hagi is one of the most skillful Eastern European midfielders of all time. Hagi merupakan salah satu gelandang paling terampil Eropa Timur sepanjang masa. Some call him "Maradona of the Balkans". Beberapa memanggilnya "Maradona dari Balkan". Hagi was born in Romania but played his club football at top European teams such as Real Madrid, Barcelona, Brescia, and Galatasaray. Hagi lahir di Rumania tapi memainkan sepakbola klub di tim Eropa papan atas seperti Real Madrid, Barcelona, Brescia, dan Galatasaray. |  |
Thierry Henry (17 August 1977-) Thierry Henry (17 Agustus 1977 -)
Thierry Henry was born in France. Thierry Henry lahir di Prancis. The tall and agile striker was an important part of France's World Cup title in 1998 and their European Championship trophy in 2000. Striker tinggi dan lincah merupakan bagian penting dari Perancis gelar Piala Dunia 1998 dan piala Kejuaraan Eropa pada tahun 2000. Henry also participated at the disastrous for France World Cup 2002 and Euro 2004. Henry juga berpartisipasi di bencana untuk Perancis Piala Dunia 2002 dan Euro 2004. On the club level, he has been the top scorer of the English Premier League with Arsenal. Pada tingkat klub, ia telah menjadi pencetak gol terbanyak di Liga Inggris dengan Arsenal. |  |
Geoff Hurst (8 December 1941-) Geoff Hurst (8 Desember 1941 -)
Hurst in an English footballer who was instrumental in his country's 1966 World Cup title. Hurst dalam seorang pemain sepak bola Inggris yang berperan pada tahun 1966 negaranya gelar Piala Dunia. He is the only player to complete a hat trick at a World Cup final. Ia adalah pemain hanya untuk melengkapi hattrick di final Piala Dunia. Geoffrey was also a star at West Ham United, and was popular for his strength in one-on-one confrontations. Geoffrey juga bintang di West Ham United, dan populer untuk kekuatannya dalam satu-satu konfrontasi. After his playing career, he managed Chelsea and Telford United. Setelah karir permainannya, ia berhasil Chelsea dan Telford Serikat. |  |
Trifon Ivanov (27 July 1965-) Trifon Ivanov (27 Juli 1965 -)
Bulgarian defender Ivanov was born in Gorna Lipnitza, Veliko Turnovo. Ivanov bek Bulgaria lahir di Gorna Lipnitza, Veliko Turnovo. He started his career at Etar and was later recruited by CSKA Sofia. Beliau memulai karirnya di ETAR dan kemudian direkrut oleh CSKA Sofia. Trifon Ivanov attracted attention as an international with Bulgaria. Trifon Ivanov menarik perhatian sebagai sebuah internasional dengan Bulgaria. He also played for Rapid Wien and reached the 1996 Cup Winners Cup Final with them. Dia juga bermain untuk Rapid Wien dan mencapai 1996 Final Piala Winners dengan mereka. In the same year, he was nominated for the prestigious Top Footballer of Europe award and was voted as the Best Footballer in Bulgaria. Pada tahun yang sama, ia dinominasikan untuk penghargaan bergengsi Top pemain terbaik Eropa dan terpilih sebagai pemain terbaik di Bulgaria. | |
Jairzinho (25 December 1944-) Jairzinho (25 Desember 1944 -)
Jair Ventura Filho is a talented Brazilian, who played in three World Cups, winning only one of them (1970). Jair Ventura Filho adalah berbakat Brasil, yang bermain di tiga Piala Dunia, hanya memenangkan satu dari mereka (1970). For nearly 20 years, he remained as a right winger with the Brazilian national squad. Selama hampir 20 tahun, ia tetap sebagai pemain sayap kanan dengan tim nasional Brasil. As a club player, Jairzinho played in Brazilian club Botafogo as well as the French league. Sebagai pemain klub, Jairzinho bermain di klub Brasil Botafogo serta liga Perancis. |  |
Nwankwo Kanu (1 August 1978-) Nwankwo Kanu (1 Agustus 1978 -)
Striker Kanu was born in Nigeria but gained a lot of popularity by playing at Arsenal, England. Striker Kanu lahir di Nigeria namun mendapat banyak popularitas dengan bermain di Arsenal, Inggris. Trough his career he also played for Inter. Melalui karirnya ia juga bermain untuk Inter. Nwankwo encountered heart problems at around 1997 but overcame them and led his country to the 1998 World Cup in France. Nwankwo menghadapi masalah jantung pada sekitar tahun 1997, tetapi mengalahkan mereka dan memimpin negaranya ke Piala Dunia 1998 di Prancis. |  |
Jurgen Klinsmann (30 July 1964-) Jurgen Klinsmann (30 Juli 1964 -)
Jurgen is a German striker, World Champion at Italy 1990 and participant in USA 1994 and France 1998. Jurgen adalah striker Jerman, Juara Dunia di Italia 1990 dan peserta di USA 1994 dan Perancis 1998. Klinsmann started his career at Stuttgart and also played for Inter and Tottenham. Klinsmann memulai karirnya di Stuttgart dan juga bermain untuk Inter dan Tottenham. |  |
Emil Kostadinov (12 August 1967-) Emil Kostadinov (12 Agustus 1967 -)
Kostadinov was born in Bulgaria. Kostadinov lahir di Bulgaria. He is a right attacker, who started in CSKA Sofia. Ia adalah penyerang yang tepat, yang dimulai pada CSKA Sofia. With CSKA, Emil reached the semifinals of the 1989 Cup Winner's Cup. Dengan CSKA, Emil mencapai semifinal tahun 1989 Piala Winner's Cup. After a short stay in Portugal, Kostadinov ended up at Bayern Munich, eventually winning the UEFA cup. Setelah kunjungan singkat di Portugal, Kostadinov berakhir di Bayern Munich, akhirnya memenangkan piala UEFA. In international football, Kostadinov played a big part of Bulgaria's road to World Cup 1994. Dalam sepak bola internasional, Kostadinov memainkan bagian besar dari jalan Bulgaria Piala Dunia 1994. His last minute goal against France in the final match of the qualifications ensured Bulgaria's spot at USA 94. gol menit terakhir-Nya melawan Perancis dalam pertandingan final kualifikasi memastikan spot Bulgaria di USA 94. |  |
Yordan Letchkov (9 July 1967-) Yordan Letchkov (9 Juli 1967 -)
Letchkov is a skilled Bulgarian midfielder, originally born in Sliven. Letchkov adalah gelandang Bulgaria yang terampil, lahir di Sliven. He began his career in his hometown but was recruited CSKA Sofia. Beliau memulai karirnya di kota kelahirannya tapi direkrut CSKA Sofia. He eventually ended up in Hamburg, Germany. Dia akhirnya berakhir di Hamburg, Jerman. Yordan, One of Bulgaria's most talented players entered the spotlight after the spectacular goal from a diving header, which clinched Bulgaria to the semifinals at the 1994 World Cup. Yordan, Salah satu pemain Bulgaria yang paling berbakat masuk sorotan setelah gol spektakuler dari header menyelam, yang meraih Bulgaria ke semifinal di Piala Dunia 1994. |  |
Diego Armando Maradona (30 October 1960-) Diego Armando Maradona (30 Oktober 1960 -)
Born in the poor ghetto of Villa Fiorito, near Buenos Aires, Diego was discovered by Argentinos Juniors and by the age of 16 debuted in Argentina's senior national team. Lahir di ghetto miskin Villa Fiorito, dekat Buenos Aires, Diego ditemukan oleh Argentinos Juniors dan pada usia 16 debutnya di tim senior nasional Argentina. Maradona single handedly earned the 1986 World Cup for his country by scoring the controversial "Hand of God" as well as the "Most Beautiful Goal in World Cup History." Maradona single handedly meraih Piala Dunia 1986 untuk negaranya dengan mencetak gol "Tangan Tuhan" kontroversial serta "Tujuan Terindah dalam Sejarah Piala Dunia." | |
Lothar Matthaeus (21 March 1961-) Lothar Matthaeus mencatatkan (21 Maret 1961 -)
Matthaeus is a German midfielder (sweeper by the end of his career) who played from 1979 to 2000. Matthaeus mencatatkan adalah gelandang Jerman (penyapu pada akhir karirnya) yang bermain 1979-2000. Lothar was a part of Germany's 1990 World Cup victory and helped with their 1996 European title. Lothar adalah bagian dari kemenangan Jerman 1990 Piala Dunia dan membantu dengan 1996 gelar Eropa mereka. In club football, Lothar played at Borussia Moenchengladbach, Bayern Munich and Inter Milan. Di klub sepakbola, Lothar bermain di Borussia Moenchengladbach, Bayern Munich dan Inter Milan. He ended his playing career with the New York Metro Stars. Dia mengakhiri karir bermain dengan New York Metro Stars. Soon after, Matthaeus took on coaching. Segera setelah itu, Matthaeus mencatatkan mengambil pembinaan. |  |
Giuseppe Meazza (23 August 1910 - 21 August 1979) Giuseppe Meazza (23 Agustus 1910-21 August 1979)
The greatest player of Inter, Meazza was originally born in Milan, Italy. Pemain terbesar Inter, Meazza pada awalnya lahir di Milan, Italia. Ever since the age of 17, Giuseppe has been the starting attacker for Inter, bringing them their very first title in the Calcio. Sejak usia 17 tahun, Giuseppe telah menjadi penyerang awal untuk Inter, membawa mereka gelar pertama mereka di Calcio. With his "daemon-like" skills, Meazza took a major part in two of Italy's World Cup titles in 1934 and 1948. Dengan "daemon-seperti" keterampilan, Meazza mengambil bagian besar dalam dua Piala Italia judul Dunia pada tahun 1934 dan 1948. Soon after his death, Inter's stadium San Siro was renamed to Giuseppe Meazza. Segera setelah kematiannya, stadion Inter di San Siro diubah namanya menjadi Giuseppe Meazza. |  |
Bobby Moore (12 April 1941 - 24 February 1993) Bobby Moore (12 April 1941 - 24 Februari 1993)
One of the greatest defenders, Robert Francis Moore, was born in Barking, England. Salah satu pembela terbesar, Robert Francis Moore, lahir di Barking, Inggris. Moore was captain of the infamous 1966 English World Cup squad. Moore adalah kapten dari skuad 1966 terkenal Inggris Piala Dunia. In 1993, he died from cancer in London, England. Pada tahun 1993, ia meninggal dari kanker di London, Inggris. |  |
Pavel Nedved (30 August 1972-) Pavel Nedved (30 Agustus 1972 -)
Nedved was born in former Czechoslovakia. Nedved dilahirkan di Cekoslowakia. With skillful play in midfield, he became a major part of the Czech Republic's silver medals at the 1996 European Championship. Dengan bermain terampil di lini tengah, ia menjadi bagian utama dari medali perak Republik Ceko di Piala Eropa tahun 1996. Nedved has also been an influential player at Juventus, taking over the place of Zinedine Zidane. Nedved juga telah menjadi pemain berpengaruh di Juventus, mengambil alih tempat Zinedine Zidane. At the end of 2003, he was crowned as the Top Footballer in Europe. Pada akhir tahun 2003, ia dinobatkan sebagai Pemain Top di Eropa. |  |
Jean Pierre Papin (5 November 1963-) Jean Pierre Papin (5 November 1963 -)
From 1988 to 1992, Papin was five times the leading goal scorer of the French league. Dari tahun 1988 hingga 1992, Papin lima kali pencetak gol terkemuka liga Perancis. During his club career, he also played in Belgium, Italy, and Germany. Selama karir klubnya, dia juga bermain di Belgia, Italia, dan Jerman. With the French national team, he has scored 30 goals in 54 matches. Dengan tim nasional Perancis, ia telah mencetak 30 gol dalam 54 pertandingan. |  |
Pelé (23 October 1940-) Pelé (23 Oktober 1940 -)
Edson Arantes do Nascimento was born in the little town of Tres Coracoes, Brazil. Edson Arantes do Nascimento dilahirkan di kota kecil Tres Coracoes, Brasil. He played club football for Santos. Ia bermain untuk klub sepakbola Santos. Internationally, Pelé was involved in the first three World Cup victories for Brazil in 1958, 1962, and 1970. Secara internasional, Pelé terlibat dalam tiga kemenangan pertama Piala Dunia untuk Brazil pada tahun 1958, 1962, dan 1970. He scored 1,282 goals in his professional career, an unprecedented number unlikely to be beaten. Ia mencetak 1.282 gol dalam karir profesionalnya, nomor belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya tidak mungkin dipukuli. | |
Silvio Piola (29 September 1913-) Silvio Piola (29 September 1913 -)
Silvio is an Italian forward, World Cup Champion at the 1938 tournament. Silvio adalah maju Italia, Juara Piala Dunia pada turnamen 1938. He is considered "inventor" of the bicycle kick. Ia dianggap "penemu" dari tendangan sepeda. Piola was born in the little town of Robbio Lomellina in the province of Pavia, Italy. Piola lahir di kota kecil Robbio Lomellina di Provinsi Pavia, Italia. In his club career, Piola played with Lazio, Juventus, and Turin. Dalam karir klubnya, Piola bermain dengan Lazio, Juventus, dan Turin. |  |
Dimitar Penev (12 July 1945-) Dimitar Penev (12 Juli 1945 -)
Former Bulgarian player and coach, Dimitar Penev, was originally born in Mirovyane, near the capital Sofia. Mantan pemain dan pelatih Bulgaria, Dimitar Penev, pada awalnya lahir di Mirovyane, dekat ibukota Sofia. He played at CSKA Sofia, and later managed the team to a Cup Winners' Cup semifinal. Ia bermain di CSKA Sofia, dan kemudian berhasil tim untuk semifinal Piala Cup Winners '. Penev was also the coach of Bulgaria's national side, during the country's unprecedented fourth place finish at World Cup 1994. Penev juga merupakan pelatih tim nasional Bulgaria, selama belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya selesai tempat keempat negara di Piala Dunia 1994. |  |
Jean-Marie Pfaff (4 December 1953-) Jean-Marie Pfaff (4 Desember 1953 -)
Jean-Marie Pfaff was born in a poor family but became one of the most successful Belgian goalkeepers. Jean-Marie Pfaff lahir di keluarga miskin tetapi menjadi salah satu kiper Belgia yang paling sukses. He has won four championship league titles and three national cup trophies throughout his career with Beveren and Bayern Munich. Dia telah memenangkan empat gelar liga dan tiga piala kejuaraan piala nasional sepanjang karirnya dengan Beveren dan Bayern Munich. |  |
Michel Platini (21 June 1955-) Michel Platini (21 Jun 1955 -)
Originaly born in Joeuf, Platini is one of France's greatest midfielders. Awalnya lahir di Joeuf, Platini adalah salah satu gelandang Prancis terbesar. During his career, he scored 42 goals in 72 international matches. Selama karirnya, ia mencetak 42 gol dalam 72 pertandingan internasional. At the 1984 European championship, he led France to first place. Pada kejuaraan Eropa 1984, dia memimpin Prancis ke tempat pertama. In club football, Platini has played at Nancy, St. Etienne, and Juventus. Di klub sepakbola, Platini telah bermain di Nancy, St Etienne, dan Juventus. With Juvé, he has won the Champions League title during the 1984-1985 season. Dengan Juve, ia telah memenangkan gelar juara Liga Champions pada musim 1984-1985. Platini is the only player to win the Golden Ball three times in a row (1983-85.) Platini adalah pemain hanya untuk memenangkan Golden Ball tiga kali berturut-turut (1983-1985.) |  |
Rivaldo (19 April 1974-) Rivaldo (19 April 1974 -)
Left-footed midfielder Victor Borba Rivaldo was born in an extremely poor Brazilian family. Waktu-kaki gelandang Victor Borba Rivaldo dilahirkan di sebuah keluarga yang sangat miskin Brasil. He has been called the FIFA Player of Year and has also won the Champions League with Barcelona. Dia telah disebut FIFA Player Tahun dan juga memenangkan Liga Champions dengan Barcelona. With the Brazil, Rivaldo has raised the 2002 World Cup and has been instrumental in his country's 1998 Silver medals. Dengan Brasil, Rivaldo telah mengangkat Piala Dunia 2002 dan telah berperan pada tahun 1998 medali Silver negaranya. |  |
Gianni Rivera (18 August 1943-) Gianni Rivera (18 Agustus 1943 -)
One of Italy and Milan's legendary playmakers, Gianni was born in Valle San Bartolomeo, Italy. Salah satu Italia dan playmaker legendaris Milan, Gianni lahir di Valle San Bartolomeo, Italia. Rivera has won nearly all major European tournaments and participated in four World Cups (runner-up in 1970.) At Euro 1968, he helped Italy with their first place finish. Rivera telah memenangkan hampir semua turnamen besar Eropa dan berpartisipasi di empat Piala Dunia (runner-up pada tahun 1970.) Pada Euro 1968, ia membantu Italia dengan selesai tempat pertama mereka. He has 60 international caps and 14 goals. Ia memiliki 60 caps internasional dan 14 gol. |  |
Romario (29 January 1966-) Romario (29 Januari 1966 -)
Romario is one of Brazil's top forwards of the 1990's. Romario adalah salah satu dari depan atas Brasil tahun 1990-an. He was born in the poor neighborhood of Jacarezinho, Rio de Janeiro. Ia lahir di lingkungan miskin Jacarezinho de, Rio Janeiro. By the age of 9, Romario had a startling ability of controlling the ball. Pada usia 9 tahun, Romario memiliki kemampuan mengejutkan mengendalikan bola. Throughout his career, Romario played for Vasco da Gama, PSV Eindhoven, Barcelona until settling back in Brazil with Flamengo. Sepanjang karirnya, Romario bermain untuk Vasco da Gama, PSV Eindhoven, Barcelona sampai menetap kembali di Brasil dengan Flamengo. Romario's scoring was decisive for Brazil's World Cup title at USA 1994. penilaian Romario adalah menentukan untuk Brasil gelar Piala Dunia di Amerika Serikat 1994. He missed France `98 due to an injury. Dia merindukan Perancis `98 karena cedera. Romario was given the FIFA Player of the Year award in 1994. Romario diberi FIFA Player of the Year pada tahun 1994. |  |
Ronaldo (22 September 1976-) Ronaldo (22 September 1976 -)
Ronaldo is one of the most talented dribblers in the game's history. Ronaldo adalah salah satu dribblers paling berbakat dalam sejarah game. He was born in the slums of Rio but made an early debut with the Brazilian national team. Ia dilahirkan di daerah kumuh Rio tetapi membuat debut awal dengan tim nasional Brasil. Before turning 20, Ronaldo was a regular starter. Sebelum memutar 20, Ronaldo adalah seorang starter reguler. He helped his county with their second place in 1998 and was instrumental in their 2002 title. Dia membantu county dengan tempat kedua mereka pada tahun 1998 dan berperan pada tahun 2002 gelar mereka. Ronaldo attracted global attention after moving to FC Barcelona. Ronaldo menarik perhatian global setelah pindah ke FC Barcelona. He later transferred to Inter, where he struggled with injuries until his 2002 comeback with Real Madrid. Ia kemudian dipindahkan ke Inter, di mana ia berjuang dengan cedera sampai 2002 comeback dengan Real Madrid. | |
Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (25 September 1955-) Karl-Heinz Rummenigge (25 September 1955 -)
Karl-Heinz is considered one of the top strikers of the early 1980's. Karl-Heinz dianggap salah satu striker atas tahun 1980-an. He was born as the son of a mechanic in Lipstat, Germany. Ia dilahirkan sebagai anak seorang mekanik di Lipstat, Jerman. Rummenigge went on to become European champion in 1980, reached the World Cup final twice (1982, 1986) and won the Champions League in 1976. Rummenigge kemudian menjadi juara Eropa pada tahun 1980, mencapai final Piala Dunia dua kali (1982, 1986) dan memenangkan Liga Champions pada tahun 1976. In his club career, he played mostly at Bayern Munich and Inter Milan. Dalam karir klubnya, ia bermain banyak di Bayern Munich dan Inter Milan. |  |
David Seaman (19 September 1963-) David Seaman (19 September 1963 -)
English keeper Seaman played for quite a long time. Inggris kiper Seaman bermain untuk waktu yang cukup lama. Apart from his trademark mustache, he is popular with his calm and collected playing style. Selain kumis ciri khasnya, ia populer dengan tenang dan dikumpulkan bermain gaya. Seaman led his country to the 1996 European Championship, 1998 World Cup, and the 2000 Euro. Seaman memimpin negaranya pada Kejuaraan Eropa 1996, Piala Dunia 1998, dan 2000 Euro. He was also at goal for England in 2002 World Cup, where his error caused his country's elimination. Dia juga di tujuan untuk Inggris di Piala Dunia 2002, di mana kesalahan-nya disebabkan penghapusan negaranya. |  |
Peter Shilton (18 September 1949-) Peter Shilton (18 September 1949 -)
Peter Shilton debuted professionally at a tender age, taking over Gordon Banks' spot at Leicester City. Peter Shilton debut profesional pada usia tender, mengambil alih tempat Gordon Banks 'di Leicester City. Peter was a long time keeper for England and Nottingham Forest. Petrus adalah seorang penjaga waktu yang lama untuk Inggris dan Nottingham Forest. He has won the UEFA Champions League twice. Ia telah memenangkan Liga Champions UEFA dua kali. Shilton has also set records for the highest number of international appearances. Shilton juga telah mencetak rekor untuk jumlah tertinggi penampilan internasional. His first cap with England was in 1970. topi pertamanya dengan Inggris adalah pada tahun 1970. He retired twenty years later. Dia pensiun dua puluh tahun kemudian. |  |
Socrates (19 February 1954-) Socrates (Feb 19, 1954 -)
One of the most elegant Brazilian midfielders, Dr. Socrates Oliveira Souza received global acclaim for his vision and mastery of the back heel kick. Salah satu gelandang Brasil yang paling elegan, Dr Socrates Oliveira Souza mendapat pengakuan global untuk visi dan penguasaan tendangan tumit kembali. Because he studied medicine, Socrates did not debut in international football until he was 25. Karena ia belajar ilmu kedokteran, Socrates tidak debut dalam sepak bola internasional sampai dia 25. At the 1982 and 1986 World Cups, Socrates was an instrumental in Brazil's squad. Pada 1982 dan Piala Dunia 1986, Socrates adalah penting dalam skuad Brasil. At club level, he played mostly at Botafogo and Corinthians. Pada tingkat klub, ia bermain kebanyakan di Botafogo dan Korintus. After ending his football career, Socrates went into politics. Setelah mengakhiri karir sepak bola, Socrates pergi ke politik. His younger brother is Rai, World Champion at USA 1994. Adiknya adalah Rai, Juara Dunia di USA 1994. |  |
Hristo Stoichkov (8 February 1966-) Hristo Stoichkov (8 Februari 1966 -)
Stoichkov is a Bulgarian striker, who started his professional career at CSKA Sofia. Stoichkov adalah striker Bulgaria, yang memulai karir profesionalnya di CSKA Sofia. He was drafted by Barcelona and led them to four consecutive La Liga titles. Ia dirancang oleh Barcelona dan membawa mereka ke empat berturut-turut La Liga judul. With Barca, Hristo has won the Champions League in 1992 and the Cup Winner's Cup in 1998. Dengan Barca, Hristo telah memenangkan Liga Champions pada tahun 1992 dan Piala Pemenang Piala pada tahun 1998. Individually, Stoichkov was awarded with the Golden Ball for 1994 and the Golden Boot in 1992. Individual, Stoichkov mendapatkan penghargaan Golden Ball tahun 1994 dan Golden Boot tahun 1992. In international football, Hristo has led his country to unprecedented heights, winning the Bronze at World Cup 1994. Dalam sepak bola internasional, Hristo telah menyebabkan negaranya ke ketinggian belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, memenangkan Perunggu di Piala Dunia 1994. | |
Davor Suker (1 January 1968-) Davor Suker (1 Januari 1968 -)
Davor Suker was originally born in former Yugoslavia. Davor Suker awalnya lahir di bekas Yugoslavia. The striker went on to become top scorer of the 1998 World Cup, reaching the semifinals with the Croatian team. Striker kemudian menjadi pencetak gol terbanyak di Piala Dunia 1998, mencapai semifinal dengan tim Kroasia. In his club career Suker played at Real Madrid, Arsenal, and in the Bundesliga. Dalam karir klubnya Suker bermain di Real Madrid, Arsenal, dan di Bundesliga. |  |
Fritz Walter (31 October 1920-) Fritz Walter (tanggal 31 Oktober 1920 -)
The favorite student of German national coach Sepp Herberger, Fritz is a true legend at his home club Kaiserslautern. Mahasiswa favorit pelatih Jerman Sepp nasional Herberger, Fritz adalah legenda sejati di klub rumah Kaiserslautern. He is also World Champion from Switzerland 1954. Ia juga Juara Dunia dari Swiss 1954. |  |
George Weah (1 October 1966-) George Weah (1 Oktober 1966 -)
George Manneh Oppong Ousman Weah is Liberia's most successful player. George Manneh Oppong Ousman Weah adalah pemain Liberia yang paling sukses. He played in some of the top European club including Monaco, PSG, AC Milan, and Chelsea. Ia bermain di beberapa klub Eropa atas termasuk Monaco, PSG, AC Milan, dan Chelsea. Weah was selected as The Best Footballer in Europe in 1995 and is also considered Africa's Player of the Century. Weah terpilih sebagai The pemain terbaik di Eropa pada tahun 1995 dan juga dianggap Afrika Player of the Century. |  |
Lev Yashin (22 October 1929 - 21 March 1990) Lev Yashin (22 Oktober 1929-21 March 1990)
Legendary Russian keeper Yashin was born near Moscow. Kiper legendaris Rusia Yashin lahir dekat Moskow. He had the style of a modern keeper bet he played during the 1950's and 1960's. Dia memiliki gaya penjaga modern bertaruh dia bermain selama 1950-an dan 1960-an. Lev won Olympic Gold in 1956 and the European Championship in 1960. Lev memenangkan Emas Olimpiade pada tahun 1956 dan Kejuaraan Eropa pada tahun 1960. Yashin was the only keeper ever to be awarded with the Golden Ball as top European footballer. Yashin adalah penjaga hanya pernah akan diberikan dengan Golden Ball sebagai pemain sepak bola top Eropa. He is also the only Russian athlete to receive the prestigious "Hero of the Socialist Working Class" medal. Ia juga satu-satunya atlet Rusia untuk menerima "Pahlawan Kerja Sosialis Kelas" medali bergengsi. Later in his life, a tragic knee injury caused the amputation of his leg. Kemudian dalam hidupnya, cedera lutut tragis menyebabkan amputasi kakinya. Five years after the surgery, Lev Yashin died from stomach cancer in Moscow. Lima tahun setelah operasi, Lev Yashin meninggal karena kanker perut di Moskow. |  |
Zico (3 March 1953-) Zico (3 Maret 1953 -)
Artur Antunes Coimbra was born in Rio as the son of Portuguese immigrants. Artur Antunes Coimbra lahir di Rio sebagai anak imigran Portugis. His dad was a goalkeeper and three of his older brothers were professional footballers as well. Ayahnya adalah seorang kiper dan tiga kakak-kakaknya adalah pemain sepak bola profesional juga. Zico began his professional career at Flamengo and quickly earned a reputation as a creative player and a set piece expert. Zico memulai karirnya di Flamengo dan cepat memperoleh reputasi sebagai pemain kreatif dan ahli sepotong ditetapkan. He was awarded with "Best Player in South America" three times and played in three World Cups. Ia dianugerahi dengan "Best Player di Amerika Selatan" tiga kali dan bermain di tiga Piala Dunia. Many experts call Zico the "White Pelé." Banyak ahli panggilan Zico "White Pelé." |  |
Zinedine Zidane (23 June 1972-) Zinedine Zidane (23 Juni 1972 -)
Zizou was originally born in Marseilles, France. Zizou awalnya lahir di Marseilles, Perancis. He got recruited at the age of 16 by the club Cannes. Dia mendapat direkrut pada usia 16 oleh klub Cannes. After another transfer to Bordeaux, Zidane made his presence in Europe known. Setelah lain transfer ke Bordeaux, Zidane membuat kehadirannya di Eropa dikenal. His talent attracted Italian giant Juventus. Bakatnya menarik raksasa Italia Juventus. After showcasing himself as a dominating midfielder with Juvé, Real Madrid bought him for the record $66 Million. Setelah menampilkan dirinya sebagai gelandang mendominasi dengan Juve, Real Madrid membelinya untuk merekam $ 66 Juta. With the French national squad, Zidane has won the top tournaments in the football, including the 1998 World Cup and 2000 European Championship. Dengan tim nasional Perancis, Zidane telah memenangkan turnamen top di sepak bola, termasuk Piala Dunia 1998 dan 2000 Kejuaraan Eropa. |  |
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